
Dearest life, Nanna Susi
Morning Together, 130 x 130 cm, 2024

Wonderful Life!


nanna susi studio
Fleminginkatu 6, 00530 Helsinki

Tila on tunne, kansi, Nanna Susi

Space is an emotion

Nanna Susi Oy

176 pages, ISBN 978-952-94-6714-3, 2022

The paintings of Nanna Susi have found a home in hundreds of apartments around the world.

The book Tila on tunne presents these spaces. At the same time, the residents of these homes get to tell what the painting means to them and how it affects the space and its feeling – emotional state.

Price 65 € (incl. VAT 10 %).
Orders: kirsi @ (remove spaces)

Taiteilijatar ja raivoisa rakkaus, kansi, Nanna Susi

The Paintress and Furious Love

Nanna Susi Oy

Parus Verus kustannus, Helsinki

88 pages, ISBN 978-952-7245-25-5, 2022

The book contains Nanna Susi’s paintings from 2020-2022.

Price 45 € (incl. VAT 10 %).
Orders: kirsi @ (remove spaces)

Keinutan tulevaisuutta lähelleni unelmoimalla. Se on absurdi mielen tuottama henki. — Se on lahja.